Emporer I Japanese Maple - will have red leaves.
Osakazuki Japanese Maple - will have green leaves, which hopefully will turn orange in the fall. Not sure it will get enough light for the drama they're known for!
Regent saskatoon serviceberries, two of them. One should grow to fill the bulk of the gap between the two maples, the other is the first down the path we're building.
The serviceberries could go either way. I hear that they sucker and they're wild and make a thicket, and I hear that they're beautiful and even can be considered trees. Maybe it depends on the variety, I don't know. They sound like a good choice, they had these at the nursery, and here they are. I'll try another kind they had at Flower World if they still have them when we get out there next.
Two red flowering currants near the fence. Two red huckleberries, they have the green on the bottom. Two duke blueberries, closest to the maple.
The new rhodie has many dead buds. Not all, but a good number. I don't expect flowers this year - I needed a nice giant shrub - but I wonder, if it doesn't flower, can it even set the buds for NEXT year? Hmm.
Red Sunset maple planted last fall is budding. Come on, leaves!
The hyacinths are still tiny, but starting to open. Daffodils are mostly in place, though this all appears much more spread-out than it was when we planted it. The moles and squirrels took out a lot of bulbs, and then piled up the unwanted daffodil bulbs. The dog has been sitting on some of them that she doesn't see popping up. Still don't know what will survive.
This hardy geranium is roaring back to life. It had pretty little purple flowers that vined up into the vine maple next to it last year. I also think I see a tiny patch of this several feet away -- wonder if it spreads that easily or if it will turn out to be something else? I'm amazed at how quickly it's growing this early in the year!
This hardy geranium is roaring back to life. It had pretty little purple flowers that vined up into the vine maple next to it last year. I also think I see a tiny patch of this several feet away -- wonder if it spreads that easily or if it will turn out to be something else? I'm amazed at how quickly it's growing this early in the year!
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