Saturday, May 12, 2012

Native plants

Camas - two regular in front of the geranium, one Great behind it.

 Three False Solomon's Seal to arch near the back path.
Two Henderson's Shooting Stars. They are near the patio, and keep their leaves flat on the ground. Spikes shoot up and the green balls are the flower buds.

 Oxalis - woodsorrel. Found in Molbak's Native Plants area, was happy to see the clover-y plant that we've seen all over the rainforest floor. Always like seeing it there, so why not in my backyard? Usually I try not to buy things I don't know anything about, but it's in with the native plants, it must be good!  ... Looked it up, and apparently many consider it a horrible weed. That pretty clover can be pretty invasive. Or some varieties can. Not sure exactly which this is - I think the tag just said "oxalis"....

I'd like to keep it, but I'll have to do more checking.

Salal along the eastern fence next to the back patio. I know it should EVENTUALLY grow big enough that I'll have to keep it cut back, but it sees hard to believe when these are so tiny. Hoping it makes a pretty groundcover back in the shade.
More salal along the eastern fence. This one will get sun part of the day, but not much most of the year, and is likely to occasionally get balls thrown at it and feet stomping on it. It's supposed to be pretty tough - we'll see! I'd rather have something native with berries for the birds than pachysandra there.

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