Sunday, May 13, 2012

 Kind of hard to see in this light, but next to my huge vancouveria here is a hardy geranium - samobor / mourning widow. Is much larger than I expected it to be. It was over by the vine maple last year and didn't do very well, so I moved it here and it took off. Well, this patch gets a ton of sunlight in the summer, and it doesn't need all that sun, so I want this spot for veggies. Attempt to move, hope for success, but OK if it doesn't make it.
Moved it to the east fence near the gate. Will get much less sun here, maybe won't be so large, I don't know.  It started dying almost *immediately*. I figured I'd do all my garden work and then come back and water everything.... NO. Not ten mintues later the leaves were drooping and the whole thing wanted to fall over. I think that's probably a bad sign. I'm surprised.... I got way under the thing with the shovel, and only moved it a few feet, ON the shovel, so I figured it couldn't be THAT disruptive.  Figured wrong! Gave it a good soak and propped it up with the shovel... will let it sit a few days and see what happens.

 Three new tassel ferns. One behind the heucheras, it should grow taller. Will see how it does there before putting in more.
 Tassel fern behind hammock near a huckleberry... part of the general foresty back path... it should have ferns.
The west fence near the gate, a spot in the shade pretty much all the time because of the fence corner and house.
 Another hanging basket. Probably too crowded... more thyme, dill, more basil, and a strawberry. Strawberry has grown just sitting in a container on the deck for a few days... added a big new leaf and a flower. I don't want huge strawberry plants everywhere since I suspect I'm allergic to them now (very unhappy about that - they are my favorite food), but wanted to have one around just in case I can eat them after allergy season.
One just for flowers. Nemesia, african daisy, snapdragon. Snapdragon might wind up too big for the planter, but it's a big planter. We'll see.

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