Thursday, May 17, 2012

Beautiful Japanese Maples

The Osakazuki maple is just gorgeous, especially when you stand under it and look upward. I love it. It looks like it's doing well since being planted here, too.

The Emperor I is beautiful too. The bright red when you look through the leaves is really stunning. I don't love the deep-purple maple trees, but this red, I like.

The serviceberries have rust. The berries are probably toast this year, covered in orange junk.  I'm guessing it was sick when I bought it - the disease comes from juniper or cedar, and there's none right near here that I think would be able to disperse directly onto these.  Hopefully it doesn't affect the entire bush, or if it does, it should - if I understand the process - be fine next year. Maybe I should chop off the berries and let it grow rather than waste time growing berries that are likely to be bad.

The yellow potentilla isn't happy either. It started to bloom, then backed off. not sure why. It's not dying, but not thriving yet.

Huh. Hello mole/vole/whatever you are.

That oxalis I debated? The one that has a reputation for invasiveness?  It's grown noticably in the short time it's been here. Hmmm... but, it's still pretty!

The Patricia cranesbill/hardy geraniums are blooming already!

Brunnera and Vancouveria blossoms

Stupid spinach isn't planted anymore.  So much for those stupid "plant me in the compostable container!" pots. I peeled the other ones off but left this one. Oops. Pulled it out, peeled off the cardboard, stuck it back in. Hope it does OK.

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